
Cashing In on the Cash Bubble

By Steven M. Sears
IS CASH A BUBBLE? Are investors too risk-averse?
Options traders are now debating these controversial questions as they prepare for a 2009 that they hope will be more sanguine than 2008, which challenged long-held assumptions about options pricing and the fundamental nature of volatility.
Traders say the "cash is king" mentality is so pervasive in the financial community that it may be primed to join the list of bubbles that have burst over Wall Street, including stocks, oil, agricultural commodities and subprime mortgages.
Of course, a bursting cash-bubble would help, not hurt, investors, as stock prices would advance.
A lot of traders are buying -- or debating doing so -- bullish calls on stocks and sectors. The more battered the security, the better. They see options as a cost-effective way to balance the risk that the market could worsen in 2009, rather than improve, while ensuring they do not miss any rallies.
Investors, especially many mutual-fund managers with investment charters, are taking a more muted approach. They are selling richly priced calls, and using the proceeds to lower the costs of buying stock. The trade permutations are almost endless.
"Cash is the elephant in the room," says a strategist at a top investment bank who spends his days dealing with portfolio managers. "Everyone has lots of it, and I don't know when they are going to start taking risk, but I want to be in right before it happens."
The recent clamor to buy four-week Treasury bills with a zero-percent yield perfectly expresses the market's mania for absolute safety, while the Federal Reserve's decision to lower the federal-funds rate to a range between zero to a quarter of a point suggests Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is waging war on cash to force money back into the financial system.
"Bernanke is trying to break the bubble in cash," says Steve Sosnick, risk-manager for Interactive Brokers' Timber Hill market-making unit.
If the cash bubble bursts, the record amounts of cash held by investors and corporations would flow back into the financial markets, benefiting stock prices and other assets, including fixed income, emerging markets, commodities and currencies. Even moribund investment bankers might get some action if corporations resort to mergers and acquisitions to increase depressed earnings, or diversify product suites.
While everyone would love to see the cash bubble burst because it would lift equity prices, the cash-as-bubble makes many traders uneasy, because it underscores the woes of the financial system.
Nascent bulls, and bears, are afraid the global economy's recessionary tailspin could get worse, and that volatility could sharply increase again, in response to unexpected events. What happens if President-elect Obama does not live up to the market's expectations for inspired leadership? Another big Wall Street scandal or another toxic Fortune 100 balance sheet like AIG's would spook the market.
Yes, there is still good reason to be afraid of parting with cash. In a consumer-driven economy like America's, conditions could worsen if consumers do not soon start consuming again. Rising unemployment is also a major risk factor.
It is difficult to find another point in modern time when investor sentiment was more negative than today. Three-month realized volatility of the Standard & Poor's 500 Index was recently 71.86%, surpassing the high of 68% set during the Great Crash of 1929. The Chicago Board Options Exchange, the largest U.S. options exchange, is budgeting for a 15% decline in 2009 trading volume.
BUT TRADERS KNOW that hype -- and "cash as king" is a good candidate -- always ends in a major transfer of wealth on Wall Street.
"One way to play this is to buy 20- delta calls on riskier stocks or even six-month or one-year wide call spreads on those riskier names -- retailers, airlines, homebuilders," says Jack Gonzalez, who deals with many hedge funds as UBS's head of derivative flow sales.
Delta is the rate of change in an option's price in response to changes in the underlying stock. A 20-delta option is typically far out-of-the-money. A 100 delta option is essentially a stock proxy.
While not mathematically correct, many traders think 20-delta calls have a 20% chance of finishing in-the-money. So buying 20-delta calls on risky stocks offers a cost-effective way to wager on rebounds without risking tons of money.
Gonzalez likes buying Lennar (ticker: LEN) January 15 calls that expire in January 2010, and selling the 25 calls with same expiration date. He also likes call spreads in Centex's (CTX) January 17.50/30 call spread at $2.40, Dryships' (DRYS) 17.50/25 for $1.70, Las Vegas Sands' (LVS) 10/20 call spread for $1.70, and OfficeMax's (OMX) January 10/17.5. All options are January 2010 expirations.
"There are many trades out there that have 5:1 payouts because options volatilities are so high," Gonzalez says.
Investors willing to risk a bit more money than a 20 delta call can buy 10% to 20% out-of-the-money calls in favored sectors, or stocks.
A growing number of traders think the financial sector, battered as it is, will rebound in 2009. They are buying out-of-the-money March and June Select Sector Financial SPDR (XLF) calls in anticipation the sector will advance in 2009 after falling some 56% this year.
Many mutual-fund managers, whose investment charters permit the use of derivatives, are increasingly consulting options strategists about "buy-writing. "This strategy entails selling out-of-the-money calls and buying stock. Investors who use this strategy can use historically high options premiums to lower the cost of stock. The risk is that options volatility increases.
Sveinn Palsson, a Credit Suisse derivatives strategist, is advising clients to sell calls against Exxon Mobil (XOM), which he says is the "T-bill of equities."
"A cash bubble is defined as a condition in which investors shun everything but the safest assets," Palsson says. "This flight to quality mindset that pushed T-bill yields below zero has also translated into the equity world as a demand for stocks with proven cash flows."
Palsson notes that Exxon has the free cash flow of $37 billion, the highest in the S&P 500, and the largest cash reserves of all non-financial related stocks with $34 billion. Many investors have recently bought Exxon, and Palsson likes selling the January 85 call against the stock as it appears to be "overbought."
Jon Najarian, co-founder of optionmonster.com, a trading advisory, said cash hordes are so high that they could stress the financial system when reinvested.
"It could be the biggest January effect ever," Najarian says.
And that would be a lovely way to start 2009.
E-mail: steven.sears@barrons.com 


The World Goes Japanese

By Leslie P. Norton

BRING BACK THE PKO! THAT WAS snarky shorthand for "Price Keeping Operation," measures Tokyo traditionally invoked to direct banks to buy stocks or deploy money from Japan's massive postal-savings system to prop up the Nikkei. Today, the whole world is using some version of the PKO. With the Nikkei down 48% this year -- reflecting the yen's strength and the market's jitters -- why should Japan sit this one out?
It may not. Japanese equities, as well as battered real estate, may be bought by a new government-owned fund, according to its advocate, Sen. Kotaro Tamura of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. The PKO would be funded by loans from Japanese banks. It's inspired by the French sovereign-wealth fund proposed this year by President Nicolas Sarkozy. That fund was established last month to invest in strategically important companies and in smaller companies that were having trouble borrowing.
"This would be close to the French idea," says Tamura, although it wouldn't focus on takeover defenses. Tamura says it could be as large as $250 billion -- about a tenth of the Nikkei's market cap. The French fund is just $25 billion. Japan has almost $1 trillion in foreign-currency reserves and a $1.5 trillion public-pension fund. "We would not be seeking economic returns, but 10 years ago, the government made a huge investment in banks and real estate and made huge money," says Tamura. "In the long term, we can make a huge return."
The fund is the latest iteration of Tamura's idea of a sovereign-wealth fund that would use parts of the government-pension fund and its foreign-exchange reserves to buy non-Japanese assets and diversify returns.
Barron's recently visited the flashy young Tamura (for more on his style, check his blog kotarotamura.net). His idea for a sovereign wealth fund has been taken very seriously this year. Japan's finance and banking minister is concerned about the markets, and a package of measures to support regional banks is part of the latest emergency economic stimulus package.
Much depends on how any fund is structured, and whether it's sufficiently diversified and professionally managed. "The devil is in the details," says Kathy Matsui, Goldman Sachs' Japan strategist.
"Tamura is a creative thinker who wishes to advance Japan as an international financial center and lower the burden on future generations by investing national assets more constructively," says John Vail, the chief global strategist at Nikko Asset Management. Vail doubts that a fund to buy stocks would immediately fly with banks or bureaucrats. He says that "more aggressive management of forex reserves should happen by spring, [although] a true SWF is unlikely for several more quarters."
Says Tamura: "If we can better manage government assets, we don't need to increase the consumption tax -- we could even decrease it. If we want to stimulate consumption, we have to have a better stock and real-estate market. Our companies and economy are much healthier than the U.S. and Europe's. Any stimulus should be focused on the asset markets." That could be the trigger for domestic investors to buy the Nikkei. And any stimulus plan will bolster the yen.
E-mail: leslie.norton@barrons.com



《 10月のトップ3 》

・第1位 (3120億円)
伊藤忠商事、新日本製鉄など - ナミザ
IN-OUT 資本参加

メディセオ・パルタックホールディングス - アルフレッサホールディングス
IN-IN 合併

サントリー - フルコアグループ








では、どうして「初の黒人候補」であり「リベラル」を「原籍」とするオバマが、これほどまでに政権発足が期待されており、またその新政権に向けて実務的な中道ポジションを取ることができるようになったのでしょうか? 例えば、2004年の大統領選挙のように、保守とリベラルが国を真っ二つに割るような、あのイデオロギーの分裂はどこへ行ったのでしょう?




今回のアメリカの大統領選挙でオバマが勝利したということは、こうしたイデオロギー論争という観点から見るとどうなのでしょう? 表面的には「黒人大統領を実現したいリベラル」が「白人中心主義の保守」を圧倒したように見えます。また「反戦」が「イラク戦争遂行」を打ち負かし、「人権」が「国家優先」に勝った、イメージとしてはそんな印象がかなりあります。ですが、オバマが最終的には中道票も押さえて大差で勝利した背景は、それだけでは説明はできません。中道を含めた多くのアメリカ人が、オバマの登場によってリベラルに変身したのではないからです。


では、どうしてそんな超党派的、あるいは中道的なムードが演出できたのでしょうか? 徐々に明らかになってきた新政権の陣容が、中道実務家の集団という印象を与えることができているのは、どうしてなのでしょう? 一つには、そうした「和解」とか「統合」というのがオバマの政治姿勢であり、選挙期間中もそうしたメッセージを出し続けたということがあります。ですが、本当の理由はそのウラにあります。オバマは黒人です。そして学生時代から弁護士としての社会的な活動、そして州議会議員や上院議員としての活動歴から見れば、リベラルなイデオロギーを持った人物であることは明らかです。














では、どうするか? まず二つのことが大事なのではないかと思います。一つは、政権党と官僚機構の「不始末」に対してメディアや野党が「怪しからん」とか「責任者を処罰せよ」という非難だけでなく、どんどん「代案」を出してゆくべきなのだと思います。例えば、問題になっている「消えた年金」の話に関しても、まずデータがどこまで消えたのか、データはあるが同一人物のものか「名寄せ」ができないのはどうしてか、といった実務的な問題にどんどん突っ込んで報道すべきです。








Where to Read All About It

By Mike Hogan
THESE ARE THE TIMES THAT TRY MEN'S (AND WOMEN'S) SOULS -- especially those with money at risk. Where can you get some clues about this crazy market?
Many investors seek answers on financial Weblogs (blogs), where opinions and suggestions fly fast and furious. Barely formatted text strings a few years ago, many of these sites have blossomed into sophisticated information destinations with big-time venture funding and professional staffing. Some are more trafficked than the Websites of traditional publishers, and many, like RGE Monitor (www.rgemonitor.com), are mixed-media tours de force. RGE highlights the TV appearances of co-founder Nouriel Roubini, a New York University economics professor (www.rgemonitor.com/blog/roubini), which I guess makes it a vlog (video blog).
RGE OFTEN MAKES THE best Website lists of mainstream business publications like The Wall Street Journal (http://online.wsj.com). It features granular coverage of the global financial crisis, and is steeped in macroeconomic expertise. A former White House adviser, Roubini headlines a collection of deep thinkers like former Harvard University President Lawrence Summers.
RGE Monitor links to the blogs of its commentators, including the Big Picture's (www.ritholtz.com/blog) acerbic Barry Ritholtz (acerbic as in references to the Fed as "Wall Street's bitch" and U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson as "Hank the Destroyer"). A frequent CNBC (www.cnbc.com) commentator, Ritholtz is CEO at quantitative-research firm FusionIQ. He opines on everything from trading tactics to macroeconomics (sometimes to Barron's) on a site that averages more than 65,000 daily visitors.
A good way to have Ritholtz and other commentators delivered to your inbox free daily is via blog aggregator Seeking- Alpha (http://seekingalpha.com). You can configure its mailings to focus on just the topics you want. And then there's Seeking Alpha's unbeatable free archive of earnings-call transcripts.
Need a lift? The Ticker Sense Blogger Sentiment Poll (http://tickersense.typepad.com) of Birinyi Associates was off-the-chart bullish recently after being off-the-chart bearish in October. The market researcher draws from a list of stellar financial bloggers, making it a good place to start your blog shopping or find links to other good financial sites. Founder Laszlo Birinyi warned in August 2007 that our markets were set up for "systemic failure." I should have listened.
Other blogs that are favorites of Barron's editors are Bespoke Investments (http://bespokeinvest.typepad.com), Minyanville (www.minyanville.com) and RealClear Markets (www.realclearmarkets.com). Market researcher/money manager Bespoke serves up brief and pointed comment on market twists and turns, usually flowing from a hard data set.
Minyanville is a nice change from the usual economic fare. Cartoon characters Hoofy and Boo opine via Flash and podcast on everything from Bernanke to bailouts, joined by others blogging on the economy, personal finance and trading. Founder and former derivatives trader Todd Harrison calls it "financial infotainment."
REALCLEARMARKETS IS ANOTHER perch for a Who's Who of academics and institutional investors -- who presumably know a little more than us plain folk. Editor John Tamny is a senior economist with H.C. Wainwright Economics, while others like Kairos Capital Advisors' Russell Redenbaugh and James Juliano connect the dots between Washington's ethanol mandates and Third World famine.
In that vein, we don't have a market problem; we have a policy problem, argues Thomas DiLorenzo, a Loyola College economics professor. He blogs at the Ludwig von Mises Institute (http://mises.org/story/2963) that the headwaters of the credit crisis can be traced to congressional pressure on the banking industry. Von Mises founded the Austrian School of Economics, promoting unbridled free-market capitalism and the gold standard.
Those who prefer the other end of the political spectrum can mouse over to the ultra-slick Huffington Post. Possibly the Web's most successful dispenser of political economics, the initial text blog has grown into easily digested news, views, videos and slide shows. In October, HuffPost took the No. 1 spot on Technorati's Top 100 blogs (http://technorati.com/pop/blogs) based on the number of Websites linking to it. It claims 20 million readers!
A daily paean to Upper West Side of Manhattan revolutionary chic, it's hard to top the Post's description of itself as "a progressive news hub where outraged people go in order to get more outraged before going to have dinner at Nobu."


A Better Use for TARP Funds?

By Jim McTague
TREASURY SECRETARY HANK PAULSON, an old Goldman Sach's investment banker, should take a good look at the yield curve, which looks something like it did back in 1992. It might then prompt him to play the old "carry trade" with some of the TARP funds instead of pumping all of it into banks to shore up their capital.
One expert claims that Paulson is leaving a minimum $200 billion-to $500 billion-a-year in profits on the table by failing to adopt the strategy.
The "carry trade" is financial jargon for borrowing money at low interest rates and then using the funds to buy securities with very high yields. The spread between the cost of funds and the interest coming in from the securities is profit. In 1992, former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan drove down short-term rates so the banks could borrow cheap from depositors and then make higher-yielding loans, which allowed them to make enough money to offset the real estate losses.
Because of the current, extraordinarily high, world-wide demand for U.S. Treasuries, Paulson easily could borrow $700 billion at say 3% and use the proceeds to buy investment-grade mortgage securities for about 65-cents on the dollar and yielding 9% to 12%, according to a back-of-the-envelop estimate by Larry Goldstone, president and chief executive of Thornburg Mortgage, a REIT traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
If Goldstone's calculations are correct, then Treasury could make 5% to 8% of carry profit every year, even if credit losses get so bad that it only recovers 90% of the face amounts of the underlying home loans. That would go a long way toward offsetting the steep cost of shoring up our financial system and save future taxpayers much grief.
"You basically could take all of these high-rated securities off the market and put them in an account somewhere," says Goldstone.
Goldstone would like Treasury to engage in the carry trade by buying some of his company's assets. It would be a demonstration program for dealing with credit-stressed nonbank financial companies, he says. Thornburg needs a buyer for the securities, so that it can raise cash to remain current on $12 billion in loans. The usual markets have collapsed because of the credit crisis.
Goldstone says Thornburg's portfolio is heavily weighted with investment-grade mortgages and mortgage securities. Thornburg qualifies for TARP funds under the language of the bill that created the original program, he says; but when Paulson abruptly decided this month to use all of the TARP funds to prop up bank capital rather than buy assets from financial companies, the Treasury Secretary left Thornburg out in the cold.
Goldstone believes making profits in the carry trade currently is pretty much a sure thing, prompting him to ask, "If Treasury can make 500 to 800 basis points in $700 billion, then why would they not invest $1.5 trillion or even three trillion? The country certainly needs the money!"
Goldstone says he understands the logic of Paulson's controversial TARP switcheroo earlier this month. Since banks can leverage their money 10 to 1, it looked as though the Treasury would get $1 trillion in buying power from the move.
After all, the banks, in theory could also engage in the carry trade in part by accepting the higher-rated mortgage securities as collateral. In reality, however, bank credit problems this go-around are so severe compared to 1992, that the sector cannot out-run its mounting losses. So instead of lending out the TARP money, banks are holding it back, Goldstone says, to make certain they don't fall below regulatory capital levels.
As a consequence, nonbank companies are having difficult time finding adequate amounts of affordable credit.
Treasury, thus far, has committed $250 billion to shoring up bank capital and its invested another $40 billion to save insurer AIG. That means there's $410 billion of the original TARP fund left.
Surely Paulson could use some of it to see if Goldstone is on to something. Taxpayers could use a bailout too, and the carry trade might just be the ticket.




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